If you are working on a Unity project with a lot of game objects, you know how hard it can be to navigate through the Hierarchy window. Scrolling through hundreds or even thousands of game objects to find the one you are looking for is a tedious and time-consuming task. Luckily, there is a Unity asset that can make this process much easier – the Hierarchy Explorer.
Hierarchy Explorer is a Unity Editor extension that expands the abilities of the built-in hierarchy search function. It allows you to find game objects by name, tag, layer, instance ID, or component type. With this tool, you can easily search for and select the objects you need, which can save you a lot of time and improve your workflow.
One of the most useful features of Hierarchy Explorer is its ability to search for game objects by name. By default, Unity’s hierarchy search function only searches for objects with names that exactly match the search term. However, with Hierarchy Explorer, you can search for objects that contain the search term in their names. For example, if you are looking for a game object called “Enemy”, you can simply type “en” into the search box, and all game objects that contain “en” in their names will be displayed in the results.
Another useful feature of Hierarchy Explorer is its ability to search for game objects by tag, layer, instance ID, or component type. This can be particularly useful if you have a large number of game objects with similar names. For example, if you have a scene with 100 game objects called “Enemy”, you can use Hierarchy Explorer to search for all game objects with the “Enemy” tag, which can narrow down your search results and help you find the specific game object you are looking for.
Hierarchy Explorer also allows you to customize your search by including the word case and the object’s inability to search. You can also use C# Regexes to perform more complex searches. This can be particularly useful if you are looking for game objects with specific naming conventions or if you need to perform advanced searches based on specific patterns.
Another great feature of Hierarchy Explorer is its ability to quickly highlight game objects in the Hierarchy window. When you perform a search, the matching game objects are highlighted in yellow, making them easy to find in the list. You can also double-click on a game object in the search results to select it in the Hierarchy window.
Overall, Hierarchy Explorer is a very useful tool for anyone working on a Unity project with a lot of game objects. It can save you a lot of time and frustration by making it easier to find and select the objects you need. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced Unity developer, this asset can help you improve your workflow and make your development process more efficient. If you are interested in improving your Unity workflow, be sure to check out Hierarchy Explorer.